
VISITS: We arrange a series of small group visits for our members throughout the gardening season to local gardens which we hope will inspire. By the end of 2024 members will have visited Downton House, Painswick; Whitcombe House, Overbury;  Bolter’s Farm and Kings Cottage, Chilson; a Plant Heritage National Collection of Penstemon in Bishop’s Cleeve; Shuttifield Cottage, Worcestershire; and Picton Court Nursery and Gardens, Worcestershire .

Our 2025 programme will be out in early spring.

MEETINGS We use the Sudeley Room, Abbeyfields Community Centre, Back Lane, Winchcombe GL54 5QJ which has free onsite parking and good facilities. (Please view map lower down this page)

In 2024/5 we again held meetings in the afternoon in winter months (at 3.15pm) on days designed to avoid clashes with other local events.

Entry: CGS Members free; visitors and guests £5 (includes refreshments). Children accompanied by an adult free.

Speakers In 2024/2025 we are focusing on workshop or practical demonstrations, as well as plant talks. Our first of the winter season was in November on trug-makingwith Carl Sadler of Woodman’s World. Carl made a trug in front of us while talking us through the process and then diversifying to talk of different timber uses, tree diseases, and his work for film sets for Steven Spielberg, including ‘War Horse’.

On 13th February 2025 Caroline Sheldrick, medical herbalist, will provide a “herbal remedies workshop”, a practical demonstration of her skills.

On 13th March we are delighted that Sue Clarke, our national CGS chair, will talk to us about “Hardy Geraniums – the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.”

At our meetings we have plants for sale and some free, along with free seeds and information leaflets and, of course, refreshments!

We also arrange some events jointly with similar bodies and we welcome visitors and guests to both meetings and visits and gained extra CGS members in 2024 as a result.

Place: Sudeley Room, Abbeyfields Community Centre, Back Lane, Winchcombe GL54 5QJ – Please view map below

Entry: CGS Members free; visitors and guests £5 (includes refreshments). Children accompanied by an adult free.

Sudeley Room, Abbeyfields Community Centre, Back Lane, Winchcombe GL54 5QJ

OTHER EVENTS: Our monthly email newsletters publicise all kinds of events of likely interest to members, including visits, talks, exhibitions, and guided tours from a range of sources.

WHATSAPP: As well as our website, we have a WhatsApp Group for local gardeners to share ideas, as well as spare plants, produce or equipment.

MALVERN RHS SHOW 2025: The RHS theme for the show in 2025 is Plants and People. We are planning to celebrate the many health and well-being benefits of both gardening and plants for people and their environment. Our stand will celebrate growing from seed, especially old-fashioned perennials, annuals, and biennials that were grown in typical cottage gardens.